Supplemental Strategies to Assist the Body with Detoxification
Michael Silbert
There is a saying that goes, “We live in a toxic world, but we don’t have to live in a toxic body.” These toxins come to us through our air, water, food, and skin contact. They interfere with normal physiology by affecting metabolic pathways and cause immediate or delayed health problems.
The list of toxic substances is exhausting. The following link will give you a couple of dozen to think about:
This article examines a variety of methods to help achieve the goal of reducing your exposure to toxins as well as getting them out of your body. I will present these strategies for your consideration with lots of references, so you can continue exploring on your own.
1. Heavy Metals and Chelation Therapy
In the early 1980s, I was the clinical administrator for a facility in the World Trade Center (NYC) that provided chelation therapy, primarily for seniors to “clean out their arteries.” Every day, I hooked patients up to an intravenous solution that contained EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a harmless synthetic amino acid (and vitamin C and magnesium). EDTA pulls out (or chelates) heavy metals, primarily lead. In addition, it is thought to have a positive effect in dealing with cardiovascular health: and
At the beginning of last year, I learned about a chelation cream applied at bedtime that contains disodium EDTA and, over several months, does what the IV treatments do at a fraction of the cost:
The cream is a lower dose that is gentler and noninvasive for long-term use. It is generally considered a good idea to replace the beneficial minerals that are inadvertently removed during the chelation process that eliminates heavy metals.
I asked the makers of Nutrousa Wellness & Health who developed Kelacream and DetoxHM if there were any clinical trials that showed before and after results on the cream. When they said that there weren’t due to the expense, I decided to use myself as a guinea pig. I spoke with the head scientist at the Doctors Data Lab and asked him how he would structure such an experiment. He suggested I collect a first-morning urine sample and have it analyzed for heavy metals. This represents what is known as “daily exposure.” He then said I should have an intravenous drip of EDTA, called a “provocational challenge,” collect my urine for the next six hours and send it in for the same heavy metals analysis. This test represents what is called “total body burden,” or the toxic metals that have been stored in the body’s tissues for years. He then said I should use the cream at night for the next 90 days and repeat the two urine tests.
If the product was in fact removing the heavy metals, the numbers would be less when I received the results from the second set of urine samples. If the lab results were the same, it would be safe to assume that either the transdermal cream did not work or I had not done the trial for a long enough period. Fast-forward the 90 days, these are my test results:
If I compare the pre-provocative urine samples from January 9, 2019 to the pre-provocative samples from April 9,2019, (three months later), we see the following:
• Aluminum went from 3.7 ug/g to 0.7 ug/g (18.9% decrease)
• Arsenic went from 7.1 to 5.4 (7.6% decrease)
• Lead went from 0.9 to 0.2 (22.2% decrease)
• Nickel went from 5.8 to 1.9 (32.7% decrease)
When I compare the post-provocative urine results from January 9, 2019 to April 9, 2019, we see the following:
• Aluminum went from 56 to 17 (30% decrease)
• Arsenic went from 9.1 to 5.8 (63.7% decrease)
• Lead went from 22 to 7.1 (32.2% decrease)
• Nickel went from 13 to 4.6 (35.3% decrease)
Based on my results, it does appear that the application of this EDTA transdermal cream does help remove at least those toxic metals.
If you want to run the same panel that I did, contact Doctors Data at
As I mentioned, it is a good idea to add the beneficial minerals while removing the toxic ones. This is a multimineral supplement (that I used) that will replenish these minerals: orthomolecularproducts. com/reacted-multimin/?F_Keyword=minerals.
There are nutritional supplements designed to remove toxic metals as well. Here is a link to one of them:
Since my toxic metals urine panel showed that I was high in aluminum, and I had been using the deodorant Mitchum, which contains aluminum, I switched to a product called Native, which is aluminum-free: 15 et4 AI VA7nACh 1 phgmBEAAYAS AAEgLdTDB wE.
More on using a deodorant without aluminum: beauty/Aluminum-Free-Deodorant-Walmart-45727847.
Hospitals Withdraw Surgical Devices Over Aluminum Exposure Fears:
Another natural deodorant that stands up to my sweatiest workouts and is made with CBD:
Four toxic metals in the environment linked to heart disease and stroke: knowridge. com/2019/02/4toxicmetalsin-environmentlinked-to-heart-disease-and-stroke/.
Fruit juices are often loaded with arsenic and lead: articles. s/article s/archive/20 19/02/11/ fruit-j uices-loaded-with-arsenic-lead.aspx.
2. House Plants
NASA has tested which plants keep the air in the space station clean. The plants can remove the following pollutants: formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene. Here is a list of 10 house plants that clean the air: peace lily (Spathiphyllum), snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata “Laurentii”) Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum), bamboo palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii), heart leaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium), money bonsai or guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatica), rubber plant (Ficus elastica), aloe vera, spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), and gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
House Plants:
All the House Plants That Are Good for You, Your Home, and Your Pets!
Scientists Develop New House Plant That Cleanses Your Home of the Worst Chemicals in the Air:
Some of the Same Plants Also Seem to Help with Sleep:
A special shout out to the nutrient carnosine:
One of the toxins released by the outgassing from carpets and other household materials is formaldehyde. The supplement carnosine protects against the crosslinking caused by this toxin. The article explains the process in greater detail: Research-Update/Page-01 item02020/Super-Carnosine
Air Filters (if you want more than plants): campaign=Learn%2520More.
How Can You Tell If Your Indoor Air Is Polluted?:
3. Saunas
There appears to be a bit of controversy about the amount of detoxification that takes place when sweating in traditional steam, dry, or infrared saunas. Scientifically, most detoxification happens through the kidneys and liver, not the skin. This article certainly proposes that saunas are effective:, html.
This article questions that premise: health/archi ve/2017/06/infrared-saunas-will-not-detoxify-you-toxins-sweat/528813/.
Another naysayer: wholehealthchicago. com/2019/03/11/a-good-schvitz-alternative-medicineat-its-finest-2/.
And this one also thinks that sauna can be useful: fitness. ve/2018/12/28/sauna-for-heart-disease. aspx.
It states that sauna use helps detoxify your body of heavy metal buildup from environmental pollution; heavy metals, such as cadmium, lead, and arsenic are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
4. Taking Your Shoes Off at the Door
Studies show that besides tracking in bacteria, your shoes bring in dangerous pesticides and toxins. An EPA study reported in Environmental Science & Technology provided the first proof that pesticides can be tracked into residences on shoes. The study showed people and pets who walk on pesticide-treated lawns can pick up pesticides like the herbicide 2,4-D, for up to a week after application. The study found that “track-in” exposures of pesticides may exceed those from the best-known source—pesticide residues on nonorganic fresh fruits and vegetables. Another study showed that 98% of lead dust found in homes is tracked in from outside as well.
Removing Your Shoes: compelling-reasons-to-take-your-shoes-off-at-the-door
Is Wearing Shoes in the House Really That Bad?:
Here’s Why You Should Take Off Your Shoes When Entering Your Home: health/take-off-shoes-in-house-1202754472
5. Dry Brushing
Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which collects waste products from the cells and helps eliminate toxins from the body.
Dry Brushing:
• articles, mere s/article s/archive/20 14/02/24/dry-skin-brushing, aspx
6. The Importance of Upregulating Liver Detoxification
In a nutshell, when the body wants to remove either endogenous or exogenous toxins, it is done with a twostep process in the liver (and intestines). In phase one, the toxin is metabolized (via CYP450 enzymes) into smaller compounds, and in phase two, it is conjugated (wrapped up) using specific components and is excreted. “The second phase of liver detoxification is heavily nutrient dependent, thus ongoing consumption of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other supportive compounds (e.g., sulforaphane, beta-glucuronidase) are useful to facilitate optimal detoxification processes.”
A number of nutritional companies have created products that contain these nutrients, here are a few.
Metagenics Supplements: php?page=seek&id%5Bm%5D=&id%5Bq%5D=liver+detox
Metagenics Medical Food:
Designs for Health: Professional-Products/Product-Category-Index
Explanation of the Biochemistry: au/blog-post/nutrients-detoxification
Don’t Forget about Glycine: sites/articles/archive/2019/02/04/what-is-nadph-andnox.aspx
7. Food
Specific foods can inhibit as well as induce the detoxification pathways.
Eat More Brassicas: Brassicas, like collard greens, kale, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts, provides unique nutrients (phytonutrients) that rev up your detoxification system. This system encompasses the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and, to a lesser extent, all the other tissues. This article has a good explanation:
8. Juice Cleanses
Just as eating certain foods can assist the body in the detoxification process, drinking combinations of fruit and vegetable juice can do the same. You can juice your own produce (preferably organic), or you can purchase products that have already been prepared for you. This article addresses the potential risks and benefits of juicing:
Dangers of Fasting: aspx
9. Filtering Your Drinking Water
I have lived in Chicago, Illinois since 1990, and recently it was announced that one in five homes tested high for lead, even after the water was run for the recommended three to five minutes. A number of years ago, I invested in a very expensive water filtration system. There are four types of water filters: activated carbon, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and distillation:
There are many on the market, and with a little research, you will find one in your price range:
You can look on Amazon and compare what the filter removes and the price.
Troubled by Flint Water Crisis, 11-Year-Old Girl Invents Lead-Detecting Device: -year-old-girl-invents-lead-detecting-device Where Lead Lurks and Why Even Small Amounts Matter:
Industrial Agriculture Poisoning Wells and Streams: articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/06/ industrial-agriculture-causes-water-pollution.aspx Water Testing Kits:
product/B06VVQ7Y2Q?ref=em_lp_l_ im&ref_=pe_3743230_402089960
1. Nutrients: articles, mercola. com sites articles ar-
chive 2018 04 08 heavy-metal-detox. aspx
2. 23 Ways to Naturally Detox The Five Main Organs of Your Body:
3.Breaking Down Detox: edu.emersonecologics. com 2018/04/26/ breaking-down-detox /? utm t erm = B e st%2 0 of%2 0 2018&utm campaign=The%o20 Weekly % 3 A %20Breaking%o20Down%o20Detoxification&utm content = email&utm source =Act-On+-S oft w are & utm medium email&cm _mmc=Act-On%o20 Software-email-The%20 Weekly % 3 A %20Breaking%20Down%2 ODetoxifi cation-Best%20of%202018&cid=s-22ci8-1901
4. The Toxic Effect of Household Cleaning Products: articles. sites articles archive 2019 01 16 clecm-up-yourcleaning-products. aspx
5. Importance of Fiber During Detoxification: edu. 2019/01 04/importance-of-fiber-during-detoxification ?utm term =Read%20 More&utm campaign=Don%5Cu2019t%20Forget%20the%20 Fiber%21 & utm content=email&utm source =Act-On + -Software N utm medium email&cm mmc= Act-On%o20 Software-email-Don%5Cu2019t%20Forget%20 the%20Fiber%21 - -Read%20 More dr cid s-22ad-1901
6. Exposure to These 4 Toxic Metals Linked to Stroke and Heart Disease: know ridge, com 2019 01 exposure-to-these-4-toxic-metalslinked-to-stroke-and-heart-disease
7. Nutrients to Support Ongoing Daily Detoxification: edu. emersonecologics. com 2018/04/19/nutrients-to-support-ongoing-daily-detoxific at ion/? utmterm = Re ad%20 More&utmcampaign=Nutrients%20to%20Support%20 Ongoing%20Dciily%20Detoxification&utm content=email&utmsource=Act-On + -S oft ware Nut m medium email&cm mmc= Act-On%20 Software-email-Nutrient s%o20to%o2 0 Support %o20 Ongoing%20Daily%20Detoxifi cati on- Read %> 2 0 MoreDcid s-22hd-1901
8. Top Tips to Detox Your Body: articles, mercola. com sites article s/a rchiv e/2 019/01 2 7 top-tips-to-detox. aspx? utm source=dnl&utmmedium=email&utm content=art 1 &utm campaign=20190127Z1 UCM&et cid=DM263820&et rid=529771817
9. 8 Simple Strategies To Help Your Body Detox Daily: thriveglobcil. com stories 8-simple-strategiesto-help-your-body-detox-daily
10. Exposure to Household Chemical May be Linked to Heart Disease and Cancer: knowridge. com/2019/01/exposure-to-household-chemical-may-be-linked-toheart-disease-and-cancer
11. Diapers, Menstrual Pads, and Tampons Are Full of Toxic Chemicals: articles, mercola. com sites articles archive 2019 0213 dbsorbent-hygieneproducts-health-risks.aspx
12. Apparently We Can Get Toxins from the Dental Floss We Use: hews 2019-01-dentalflossing-behaviors-l inked-higher. html
13. The Relationship between Toxicity and Cancer: wholehealthchicago. com/2019/02/18/taking-steps-toward-cancer-prevention-part-2
14.The Toxicity of “Biosolids”: sites articles archive 2019 02 23 biosolids-scam.cispx
15.Properly Filter your Water: sitesarticlesarchive/2018VO 1/27Vhousehold-water-filtration.aspx
16. How to Detox Heavy Metals to Help End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue: sites articles archive 2018 04 08 heay-metal-detox. aspx
17. Using PEMF to Increase Heavy Metal Detoxification: mail, google, com mail u 0 ?shva=1 &zx=wd8mfdlhcwuziHnbox FMfcgxwB VqTdJCmdTDGbB VKxwstNstlc?compose=DmwnWrRsqXknvnpMBmlZbnRrdTznwPFVDhRGBMFQrCslgdvtWXDDJhqPgVggkrnh WpHB if IB NGggd projector
18. Active ingredient in Roundup Weed Killer Found in Popidcir Beers and Wine: health
19. EMF Pollution and the Connection to Heavy Metals: artic/ sites articles archive 2019 03 02 electromagnetic-hypersensitivity-syndrome.aspx
20. Exercise for Detox: livestrong. com article 206993-exercise-for-detox
21. Toxins from Your Furniture: articles, mercola. com sites articles archive 2019 03 06flame-retardant-couches. aspx
22. Mercury Detoxification with Emeramide: articles. sites articles archive 2019 03 10 treating-mercury-toxi city-with-emeramide. aspx
2 3. Lemon Detox Diet: Does It Work and Is It Safe?: articles 324670.php
24. Toxins in Your Mattress: sites articles archive 2019 03 14 toxic-mattress, aspx
25. FoodswiththeMostPesticides: algaecal. com/expert-insights infographic-dirty-dozen-clean-fifteen ?utm_ source email-b roadcast& uim medium email& ulm campaign=new sletter&utm content=dirty-dozen-mar30&utm term=lead-customer-list&inf contactkey=66458144116c8d529blf696d46dl058c
26. Ad for Concept of “Overnight ” Detoxification: oradix. com /daytime-detoxification-dangerous-overnight-toxdetox-effective
27. What Air Pollution Does to Your Body: articles.mercola. com sites articles archive 2019 04 16 whcit-airpoll ution-does-to-your-body. aspx
28. Unsafe Levels of Arsenic Found in Some Bottled Waters, According to Consumer Reports: cookinglight. com syndication unsafe-levels-of-arsenic-found-insome-bottled-waters-according-to-consumer
And Just to Keep things Light...
29.How to Deal with Toxic People: how-to-deal-with-toxic-people-2
30. This article may be a bit “our there, ” but it is definitely an interesting read dealing with the mineral shungite: greenmedinfo. com blog shungite-electropollution-solution-special-report
Dr. Michael L. Silbert has worked in health care since 1978 doing a variety of differentjobs. Hewentto National College of Chiropractic in 1990 and has worked as a chiropractor in Illinois since he graduated. In 2002, he started E-Z Notes Inc. with Dr. Russ Manktelow. E-Z Notes is a documentation and billing software program for chiropractors. He can be reached at [emailprotected].